Thursday, January 27, 2011

Tempting The Fates

Screw it, I'm just going to read Dianetics and see what happens.  If a book exists that is so wildly powerful that it makes me completely abandon all of my hardcore skepticism, then I guess it deserves to have me as a loyal servant.

The mission at hand is a wholly objective book report on a popular science fiction novel.  I figure I'll read a little bit each day, ponder a bit, and then immortalize my thoughts and feedback right here.  I vow to do my very best to separate the bizarre stigma of the book's author and it's cultish following from the review process itself.  I will not be mentioning Tom Cruise until I hear from him personally.

I am not a philosopher, nor am I an expert on any organized religion.  I have a generalized disdain for them all, but only in response to the fact that all of them seem to insist that you suspend all rational thought in favor of "faith", which I'm just not wired to do.  But I am a book lover and I like the idea that there's one out there that's so crazy it has the power to brainwash me into pledging a billion years of servitude to its masters.

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