Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Train Your Brain In Minutes A Day!

In Chapter 1, or “The Scope Of Dianetics”, author L. Ron Hubbard asserts outright that Dianetics has succeeded where all others have failed: in conclusively mastering the “science” of all activities of the human mind. Even our finest neurosurgeon’s knowledge of the brain’s behavior is little or no more advanced than that of the common shaman or witch doctor (in fact, Hubbard makes a bold comparison between the two). In his defense, when this book was being written (early 1950’s), it’s true that some of the more experimental psychological treatments for maladies of the brain now seem positively barbaric. But in this day in age, you’d be hard pressed to find a medical institution still promoting the frontal lobotomies.

In the process of defining the “science of mind”, we learn that the scope of Dianetics is broad indeed. Not only has Hubbard isolated the cause of all neurological and psychological illnesses and mental derangements, but he’s capable of curing them.

You heard it here, folks. There is one, single cause of all psychological abnormalities. Dianetics can prove this conclusively, and will teach you, the common reader, how to conquer it.

This includes not just the scary stuff like schizophrenia or autism, but also the little things that impact our day to day lives, such as anxiety, common phobias, or irrational thoughts. A particularly odd example is defective vision. That’s right! Strict adherence to the therapies described in Dianetics will cure you of your need for glasses. For lo and behold, poor eyesight is not a physical malady at all, but in fact, a mental defect.

We’ve now determined that the methods learned within Dianetics will cure us of all our mental (and some physical) ailments, but how exactly does he plan to back up all of these bold claims? Stay tuned to find out! But you can bet that it will be 100% demonstrable, with zero exceptions, and equivalent in importance to all known laws of physics and nature. Exciting stuff! I’ll just flush my Ritalin now to save time. Adios, ADHD!

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